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Bringing technology and education to Tanzania since 2016


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Leading the Way in Tanzania

8,381 school children now have permanent on-site access to clean water, hand washing stations, safe drinking water, and new or improved toilet facilities.

Through our immediate COVID19 response over 50,000 children received mobile hand washing buckets across two hundred twenty-four schools.

3,696 Burundi children living as refugees in Tanzania now have solar power lanterns and over 600 adults have grid power in their communities.

4,321 school children have new and modern school supplies, new desks, and improved classrooms. Hundreds of adults have received vocation training in bee-keeping, decorating and sewing, and benefit from community improvement projects.

We believe in education


Kilimanjaro Technology Foundation is a public 501(c)3 charity and a registered international non-government organization based in Colorado and working in east Africa. We combine our passion for education with our expertise in technology to help tens of thousands of children overcome poverty by staying in school. 


We deliver access to safe water, build improved sanitation and classroom facilities, and install solar power solutions. We dedicate ourselves so that children living in poverty can have a have a brighter future. 


KiliTech on Kilimanjaro
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Education for everyone, everywhere

KiliTech believes education is a fundamental right of every child and is the key to ending poverty.  Education brings awareness to decide right from wrong, promises progress to impoverished communities, creates a healthier environment and decreases disease, improves socio-economic production, and knowledge empowers the girl-child and women to know their rights.


There are approximately 26 million children in Tanzania under the age of fifteen and over 74% of them live in poverty. KiliTech works with local government and other charity organizations unifying efforts to benefit the most. 


We are committed to our vision and we have helped thousands of children and adults live healthier lives and receive better access to education. 

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