Hi! How is everyone? Hoping you and your family members are all good with the new normal. Everyone is fine in the Werner household, thank you for asking! We wanted to update you on our projects in Tanzania. Unlike the Americas and Europe, COVID-19 has not hit most African nations and no one really knows why. Maybe when the world opens back up you will all visit us in Tanzania and go on a safari or climb Mt. Kilimanjaro! Here's a photo of the kids using the COVID-19 hand washing buckets at Mringa primary school. KiliTech donated over 1,000 buckets to the schools in Arumeru district helping over 75,000 kids stay healthy during the 2020 pandemic.
Even though Tony and I have not been able to travel to Tanzania since February our projects have not faltered. As I write this, we have handed over the Mringa primary school toilet houses to the 1,399 students and teachers! KiliTech funded and constructed a 16 room toilet house and we assisted the community complete an additional toilet house for a total of 32 toilets with running water. Each of the toilet houses have outdoor hand-washing stations and a wheel chair ramp. The boys even have a urinal trough with running water! We are excited to share the photos with you, and we thank you for your support! Total project cost: $20,704
Mringa Primary School New Toilet Houses With Running Water
In October we are moving on to Kisima Cha Mungu, which translates to, "Well of God." Here we are assisting the village complete a 75,000 liter (20,000 gallon) water tank. It's an amazing place of love and grace and we are fortunate to be working with the Maasai in their beautiful community.
The primary school, Olemedeye primary school, has 500 students with no running water. We are running a water line to the school and building a tower with a 5,000 liter water storage tank to supply the school.
We plan to also build a toilet house for them as currently they have six pit latrines in total disrepair. Most kids just use the nearby field. There is no toilet paper so it just bio-degrades (kind of). Helping Kisima Cha Mungu and Olemedeye is one my my favorite locations because of the natural beauty of the landscape and the people.
Kisima Cha Mungu Village
Here is a fun Maasai proverb you can perhaps use during your next Zoom meeting.
Medol ilala osina!
Teeth do not see poverty
Meaning: people still smile despite problems. Often said in difficult situations when people still manage to entertain each other and have fun.
Thank you for your friendship and support.
Asante sana! Laurel & Tony
If you wish to support our projects please donate!